Dear customer,
This portal has been designed to give you a quick and practical access to the electronic Instruction For Use (eIFU) for the CeraRoot products.
Before using any CeraRoot product, please visit ifu.ceraroot.com to check for the most recent and current version of the eIFU. Please, note that due to safety reasons, CeraRoot may update a product eIFU without previous notification to the customers.
The IFU section is build as described:
the current INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE section (default) where you will find the current valid documents for your search.
the ARCHIVED IFU will allow you to consult earlier versions of the documents not currently valid. The documents in archive are marked with a watermark “REVISED & ARCHIVED”
Hardware requirements:
Availability of Computer/ Tablet/ Smartphone
Internet connection
Software requirements:
A web browser (Google Chrome, Apple Safari, MS Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox)
A pdf viewer to display and open downloaded eIFUs. A free version of the Adobe PDF viewer can be downloaded in www.adobe.com
The PDF documents are provided in A4 / US letter size for your convenience and show following structure:
front page of the IFU lists the languages (ENG, DE, FR, IT, ESP, POR) available in the IFU and the pages.
each language is a separate section to facilitate printing”
We recommend to access and read the IFU of the product some days in advance to the use of the product, to prevent any issues related to internet access.
Please be cautious if you save documents on your computer / device: your own locally stored copies might not be the latest version available! Please, visit frequently ifu.ceraroot.com to access the most current versions of the IFUs.
If you experience any difficulty, please contact your local CeraRoot representative for further explanations.
Upon request (fill the form F066), you can get free of charge a paper copy of the IFU. This will be provided at latest within 7 calendar days. The same form can be used to request the future updates of the IFU to be sent to yo by email.
If your language is not available please contact us for an approved official translation.
If you would like to contact our webmaster for any comments or suggestions, please feel free to do so at webmaster@ceraroot.com